I witnessed something so incredibly sweet from my breakfast seat at the kitchen counter early this morning. So moving I knew I’d write about it someday. Well, someone beat me to punch line. Stole my thunder. Yeah, someone. My better half. Ha. He was also there in the kitchen this morning. Didn’t just witness it, he experienced it, picked up his pen and wrote about it. (Good for him.) So please welcome today’s post by Jon, in honor of our sweet little boy Hudson. (Hudson has Down syndrome.)
Two Words by Jon Taylor
This past Sunday we celebrated Hudson’s 5th birthday. People are often drawn in by his personality and comment, “He must be so much fun!” And I smile and say, “Yes, we have a lot of fun with Hudson.” And we do.
Hudson is also exhausting. He clings tenaciously to a routine, yet he can change it at any time. I put him in bed the other night and did the same things I always do: brush teeth, get pjs on, read a story, pray, turn on his music, tuck him in and say goodnight. In that order. He goes to sleep like clockwork. But that night I had left my wallet on his bedside table, and went in to get it after I left. That was all he needed. It threw off his routine, and Hudson got out of his room at least six times and has been doing that for four nights in a row now. He’s also been waking up 90 minutes early.
On Sunday while we were talking in the living room, he quietly went to the kitchen and polished off the leftover chocolate cake from church, spreading it all over the kitchen floor and himself in the process. These kinds of things happen almost daily. I tell you that to help you appreciate what happened this morning.
Hudson expresses his speech generally in a 5 second delay. So when you say something he responds 5 seconds after it would be expected. But this morning I was getting my jacket on, grabbing keys and getting ready to race out the door with the boys for school. Hudson watched me like a hawk and, when I turned to go, stood there and said, “Bye!” No delay. In fact, he initiated, said it first.
I swallowed him up in a big hug and stood up to go when he said, “Hug.”
How can you resist?
It’s hard to imagine a human being wrapping my heart more tightly around his little finger than he did in that moment.
I can’t help but think that the apostle Paul knew someone like Hudson when he wrote, “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”(1 Cor. 1:27-29)
Hudson preaches an amazing sermon in two words.
Related Post: Artiste Hudson
Marilyn says
Can hardly see through the tears…
Aunt pinkie achor says
Too precious for words but not for tears!
Nancy Hammett says
Sweet moving loving post. Big hug to Hudson Gods little angel & to his sweet loving family.
Ellen says
So precious. thank you for sharing
Barbara Child says
Precious indeed–and wonderful that God gives you eyes to “see” his heart.
Judy says
“Out of the mouths of babes…” (and their fathers) come treasured pearls of great price.
nancy mcmahan says
Iwow… i am ok starting my morning with tears.
Tracy says
So sweet! Both Hudson and Jon. In fact, your whole family is so sweet! Hudson is truly blessed to have you and you to have him. Precious indeed. You should have that guest writer back again!
Robin @ Simply Southern Baking says
So precious and so sweet. I could give you all a big hug right now! 🙂
Aunt Joanie says
Oh so sweet! It reminds me of the old hymn “count your blessings, name them one by one.” Tears…….
Wenderly says
Oh what beautiful words that each and every one of us should never take for granted.
Susie says
Love, love, love, love, love!!
Jan Mulroy says
Sweet lovely story. Thanks for sharing.
Jenny says
Now I’m crying….beautiful….just beautiful. Great sermon Hudson 🙂
Madeleine says
Beautiful…simply beautiful
Christy says
This touches a chord….maybe in part because your family is just so dear, maybe because all year we have been studying I & Ii Corinthians in Bible study and these verses have special meaning, maybe too because our family also has a brother/son with the sweetest soul who says things that take us by surprise in the best of ways. Heartwarming.