Following is a wonderful, easy recipe for Vanilla Bean Maple Syrup. It’s a great treat for breakfast and brunch or makes a gourmet gift. (If you can part with it.) Keep in mind it takes two weeks to “cure”, so now’s the perfect time to make a few bottles for holiday gifts!My Mainer grandfather knew a good…
Maple Taffy on Snow
I grew up in the beautiful back woods of Rhode Island. Our retired neighbors, the Pecks, lived on a hundred acres next door. Mr. and Mrs. Peck were an endless source of entertainment, wonder and companionship for me as a child. He, a retired engineer with striped engineer’s hat, shock of white hair and…
Sugarbush Farm
Hoping you’ll go on a little weekend field trip with me today: a jaunt north up to Sugarbush Farm in Woodstock, Vermont. This, is a neat place. It’s family owned, and you feel it the minute you step inside the main house. First, we’d taken the boys to see glassblowing at Simon Pearce Glass in Quechee, VT….
Christmas Photo Caption Contest
Hello friends, and happy weekend! Hope you’re out tooling about, enjoying fun Christmas activities today. Exciting things are going down at Through Her Looking Glass this weekend! Several years ago, on a frosty December morning, I came down and discovered this sweet scene… So we’re having a fun Christmas Photo Caption Contest for the above picture, complete with…