Hello my friends, and a very happy June weekend to you. Got any big trips planned this summer? I’m heading to my cousin’s Milwaukee wedding in July, can’t wait… then taking Jonathan to college in Birmingham in August. Other than THAT, we’re staying local. Read on today about my Charlie’s fantastic summer dreams…. Yep, that’s what they are…. dreams.
Let’s face it. Kids can get bored during the summer. And I’m just not that mom who rushes around entertaining them every five minutes.
Sure we have our daytrips, camps, library trips, and sometimes a week or two of vacation. One year we even swapped houses cross-country with friends. That was a real adventure.
So when school ends, I ask the kids to make a list of things they want to learn, places to go, friends to connect with over the summer. I like getting ideas, learning what’s on their radar, their expectations etc.
Yes, it’s good to know what’s going on in their heads.
I remind them these are ideas, not guarantees.
Last summer there were no big vacation plans on the calendar yet, just a few day trips. The older kids wrote their lists and e-mailed them to me:
- a day at the beach
- basketball at the courts
- hanging out with friends
- Six Flags
- buying vacation cereal (they love picking out junk cereal for vacation)
But one list was still in process.
He sat at the kitchen counter for nearly an hour, focused. Crayons, markers, colored pencils in a jumble around him.
“Ready for lunch yet?”
“Nope, busy.”
He shielded his paper, but I’d already spied the grids, boxes and graphs. He turned it over and labored a while longer. Finally he exhaled dramatically. “Done!” and handed it to me.
I started reading.
Places I want to go
- Walt Disney World
- Beach
- Cedar Point
- Toys “R” Us at Times Square
- Funspot
- Alnwick Garden Treehouse
- Ocean Dome
- Northern Lights
My eyes grew big as saucers. The kid doesn’t aim high or anything.
I read on:
- Great Barrier Reef
- Statue of Zeus at Olympia
- Statue of Artemis at Ephesus
- Colossus of Rhodes
Great Pyramid of Giza
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- Machu Picchu
- Petra
- Taj Mahal
- Great Wall of China
- Chutters*
No joke, that’s exactly what he wrote, and in that order. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear it was Bill Gates’ bucket list. I hadn’t even contacted a travel agent, but I was already exhausted and broke. Clearly I wouldn’t be making a dent in my summer reading list any time soon. I read on.
Things I want to buy:
- Pop rocks
- Rock candy
- Bike helmet
OK….that sounds more do-able.
Instruments I want to play:
- Drum set
- Hand drums
(Maybe now was a good time to invest in ME — a pair of high end noise canceling ear phones.)
Other things I like:
- Cooking
- Weapons
WEAPONS???? I flinched.
With a graph all its own:
- Shuriken
- Swiss army knife
- Bazooka
- Rifle
- Bee-bee gun
OH YES! For safety sake, insurance purposes, and shut eye at night…. it’s wise to inquire about what’s going on inside their heads.
The list went on.
- Shotgun
- Pistol
- Sword
- Dagger
- Bow and arrow
- Hypodermic needle
“HYPODERMIC NEEDLE?” I gasped aloud.
“Yes Mommy, and I know how to spell it too.” He spoke truth, it was spelled correctly.
“You didn’t even know how to spell hypodermic when you were eight, did you Mommy?”
“So Mommy, are we going to all the places?”
“Ummm…”(long pause).
“Your dad and I will talk it over and get back to you.”
And then, nervously, “What exactly is a shuriken?” I said.
“A Ninja weapon. From the Hardy Boys book. Don’t you even know anything about Ninja weapons, Mommy?”
No. No I don’t. And I hope I don’t find out any time soon, either.
Moral of the story: There’s an opportunist in every bunch.
And he can just Dream On…
(And I look forward to that relaxing day at the beach. With him. Minus his Seven Wonders of the World Children’s Encyclopedia.)
*Chutters is a unique candy store in Littleton, New Hampshire boasting the longest candy counter in the world – 112 feet. And he did make it to Chutters last summer. There and the beach.
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Carina Spring says
Wow!! What can I say, I still have to double check the spelling of words like “hypodermic”! Anyhow… with a list like that, something tells me that you don’t need to worry about not being able to take him to all those places right now (lol, like anyone could!). He will find his way wherever he truly wants to go in life, in due time!! As for the weapons, I think he was checking to see if you were really reading to the end of the list. 😉 I like your idea of getting a summer wish list from them – what a great way to challenge them to think about their interests! Have a great weekend, Allie.
Judy says
This post is very funny — actually hilarious! My favorite sentence: “WEAPONS???? I flinched”. Yes, let us all agree — Charlie has a bright future!
Ellen says
Wow…just wow. That boy has quite an imagination! And he’s a much better speller than I am :).
Mike says
This cracks me up! It wasn’t lost on me when I asked Charlie what his favorite part of camp was – he answered……..rifle shooting. Hope you had a fun birthday, Allie!!!!
Allie says
Rifle shooting, huh? Why am I not surprised. Hope you are all having a great week at the Cape.
Aunt Margie says
I am rolling in the aisles! Hope you put on a suit of armor, Mr. Barnaby style (family joke), and then start saving your shekels for your own escape. I’m afraid Charlie will have to fund his own. However, Chutters is the perfect distraction for little boys! And girls. A mind is a wondrous thing, and it’s evident Charlie spends no time wasting his!
Allie says
Mr. Barnaby indeed. Love you Auntie M.
Bstbara says
Allie, what an entertaining story! I enjoy your writing very much (conversational, intelligent, sometimes poignant, often humorous, and always interesting) and look forward to reading every “episode” of your family’s adventures. How wonderful that your children will have a record of their “growing up” experiences documented, and it will be a peek (for them and you) into what you and your husband did to support those “growing up” years (the 24/7 efforts of loving parents). Can’t you just imagine you all revisiting these accounts when your boys are adults and the conversations that may ensue? What a gift you are giving – your readers now, your family forever! But, I digress…
I agree that your “summer wishlist request” is a novel, and thought-provoking activity for your sons, and a useful (and sometimes surprising) one for you and your husband. Yes, it seems obvious that Charlie has aspirations that may even surpass those of Bill Gates. (Big dreams are a great place to start!) I, also am not sure yet about the weapons category…. However, whatever Charlie undertakes, it appears now that all future references will have the “world famous” label attached. (If the word “weapons” is in the reference, we’ll make the assumption now that it will be related to the research done for his next best-selling novel, the museum display that he will be curating, or some other make-your-parents-proud achievement. There, now that’s taken care of!)
Thank you for sharing you thoughts and experiences. I will continue to appreciate and enjoy the fruits of your hard work (the parenting vicariously, the writing directly). To quote Tavis Smiley, “Keep the faith!”
Allie says
Thank you so much for the kind comments Barbara. I really do enjoy the writing and glad it brings some joy and entertainment to others also…I do wonder what the boys will think one day… and it will all be there in black and white. (Color too!) 🙂 Many thanks for coming along on the journey and stopping by to comment. Yes, “Keep the faith!”
Daniella says
What a great story Allie. It certainly made my day. Charlie will inspire many stories I am looking forward to read. Love
Allie says
Thank you friend. Miss seeing you on a regular basis these busy days, glad we can connect here for now. XO
Denise says
Never a dull minute. Thanks for the laugh. I am so glad you told us what a Shuriken is. I was getting ready to look it up.
Susie says
Charlie is H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S.!!!! I can’t wait to read this to Jac. 🙂
Allie says
Never a dull moment, huh? 🙂
Aunt Pinkie says
This is absolutely hysterical- I love it! And I’ve been to Chutters-a veritable smorgasbord of delight! Thanks for sharing Charlie’s thoughts. Wonder what you and Jon will come up with? !
Christina @ Christina's Cucina says
This is the cutest thing, ever! You have a genius for a son! I’d happily go to 90% of the places on his list! 😉 Without a goal, there’s nothing to aim for, so good for him!
Allie says
Thanks Christina. He’s a funny one, that’s for sure. Never a dull moment!
Leslie says
Ah hahaha! I am laughing for real. Thank you so much for this post. I must have had the same book. I was horrified to find out that the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World WERE NO MORE….horror! BUT…. Charlie have hope. While I have not seen the Colossus, I have seen the harbor where it stood. That was pretty terrific as well. He might just check one of those off his list yet…but just not this summer. LOL Yes it would take Bill Gates and some time travel to accomplish that list.
Allie says
🙂 thnx. Leslie. Kids are so funny. XO
Karen @ On the Banks of Salt Creek says
Strange, I wrote a comment when this came out but I don’t see it. Probably left my computer for something “urgent” and then someone probably closed the tab.
So, I’m impressed with his awareness of all those wonderful places to visit. He has good interests. You pay and I’ll chaperon 🙂 I’ll take him to as many of those places as YOU can afford 🙂
I laughed out loud when I read “Hypodermic Needle” (made sure to spell it correctly).
Bummer that the ones in Greece don’t exist any more . Having been to Greece I would encourage him to still go since there is a TON of other cool things to see.
My advice to Charlie: Put God first, work hard in school, do your best at what ever task you are given and, the customer is always right. If he does all that, he has a pretty good chance of being able to get to all those places and buy all those weapons (and have a really big safe to store them in).
Kids, the things they come up with.
Allie says
Thank you Karen, so sorry your comment was lost. Frustrating. It seems to happen every once a while on here and I’m not sure why. You’d make a wonderful chaperone for Charlie! Now if I can just come up with the pesos….
Linda Jenkins says
Allie, I almost don’t know if I can comment, for I am laughing so hard. Weapons would have caught my attention as well, but the Ninja weapon was definitely over the top. I am still sitting here laughing so hard that someone is going to think I have lost my mind. I am so happy you wrote this story. I would love to know what your quiet, sweet child well say when you remind him of this when he is 17. I so needed this laugh today. By the way, this is one story that is going into my special file filled with the stories I have enjoyed the most. Still giggling!
Allie says
Thanks so much Linda, glad you got a laugh too. Truly I was speechless… XOXO
Madeleine says
? this is too funny!! Two things I realized upon reading this post. 1. I should probably brush up on my history/geography before my own little can make a summer list. And 2. That little guy of yours could have his own blog series (#charliesays), haha. Too cute!
Allie says
Dear Madeleine, I never know quite what’s going on in Charlie’s gray cells. That’s why I ask. And I’m always amazed! It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Charlie starts a blog someday….Hugs to you and H!
Laura Cook says
What were the plans for the hypodermic needles, do tell? ADORE CHARLIE.
Karen @ Karen's Kitchen Stories says
That is adorable!! Put a huge smile on my face!
Allie says
Awww…thanks Karen, you can see I love in a crazy world here. 🙂
Barbara Child says
So adorable and perfect for the start of summer! Charlie is one to watch! He’s goin’ places!
Allie says
Thanks Barbara, hopefully he’s not going anywhere too SOON! XO
Aunt Pinkie says
That Charlie is too much! What a riot! Can’t wait to see you at The Wedding in July!
Allie says
Can’t wait to see you too!!! Soon. XO
Adina says
Wow! That is really A list!! I’d love to see some of the places he mentioned as well…. And house swapping sounds great, I have been playing with this idea for a long time…
Maggie says
Can’t WAIT to see who Charlie Taylor becomes when he grows up?. It’s going to be something. I’d love to see you guys when you’re in the South this summer if it works out.
Allie says
Awww…thanks Maggie. Who knows with CT. Would love to see you too if it works, not sure of the schedule yet but we can stay in touch.
Kellie says
This was so cute. You have a dreamer!
We do junk cereal on vacation too;)
I would like to put ” getting together with Allie” on my summer list” ?
Allie says
I would love that too Kellie, let’s do it. I say lunch out.
Christy Smith says
Oh. My. Hysterical. Word. That kid!!! I am glad he is family so I can see what career he ends up doing in life! “A goal without a plan is just a dream.” Somehow I think he will make his way to many of these places….hopefully leaving most of the weapons at home! But if there is a national catastrophe, I am going to Charlie’s house for protection. ? He’s a planner that guy. And God has good plans in store for him to be sure. Loved the story today! Look forward to seeing you at the wedding!
Allie says
So funny Christy, aren’t they. Our precious kids. Love love love them. Counting down the days ’til I see you. I’m flying in, hope Ch doesn’t tuck any contraband into my bag or anything…. Yikes!
Marilyn says
That list would seem so weird coming from any other kid, but from Charlie? It makes perfect sense.
Allie says
Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary says
Hahahahaha – well that is some list, isn’t it? I’m rather impressed with it, to be honest! Half those places I wouldn’t have thought to name and his spelling is definitely enviable! 😉 I love that you ask and actually care what your children are thinking and what they want to do this summer, Allie. Let me know if you are up to adopt an almost 33 year old. 😉 Cheers, dear friend!
P.S. A beach vacation is the only thing on our summer list… and hopefully it gets crossed off soon!!
Allie says
Dear Chey – I’m open to adoption, except that means I had you when I was like ten. Hmmmm….maybe we should be sisters instead. I so hope you get your vacay soon, you so deserve it my friend. You’ve been working so hard and waiting so long. Crossing my fingers for excellent weather to come at the beach. Hope you’re having a great week. XOXO
Eva says
Oh la la Allie! Tes enfants sont des vrais aventuriers! C’est incroyable la liste des pays qu’ils veut visiter! C’est le futur Indiana Jones! En tout cas, c’est bien de rêver et imaginer des aventures et l’été c’est parfait pour cela! Mes enfant aimeront beaucoup visiter Chutters! xoxo
Mandi Korn says
This is the first post I have seen another child of yours….I always see your beautiful Hudson. Your boys are great and I love the idea of asking what they want to do and where they want to go. I love all the places your son wanted to go….you must be proud he didn’t say McDonalds, or something silly like that. (Well I think its silly)