Almost is a beautiful word. Hey friends, hope you’re doing well and a very happy winter weekend to you I might add. I’ve got about an hour and I’m writing this post completely on the fly on Friday night. I don’t even have any pictures in mind at the moment. It’s an odd topic for a post here too: Don’t Get Scammed on Craig’s List Like I (Almost) Did. I had a crazy week on many counts and learned a valuable lesson in the process too. Thought I’d pass it on here in case any of you use Craigslist or know someone who does.
Unfortunately there are people out there in cyberspace who don’t work for their living. Well the truth is they work very hard, but their morals and work ethic are vastly different from yours and mine. Their profession is trying to separate people like you and me from our hard-earned money. In fact, these folks work around the clock trolling the internet, scamming nice, trusting, honest people. (Scammers have to pay their bills too.)
I tend to be a trusting person in general, though I won’t say I’m downright gullible. But I was almost taken in this time around and could’ve been out a significant amount of money. So I’m sharing about it here in hopes of saving you and your family some grief. (And maybe pesos too.)
If you’re not familiar with Craigslist, it’s basically an online yard sale for anything and everything. And each state and and most large cities have their own Craigslist. Here in NH it’s called Craigslist NH. Boston has a Craigslist Boston.
We’ve bought and sold many things online using Craigslist through the years. Exercise equipment, furniture, tools, strollers, ski helmets, skis, sports equipment, hockey skates, camping equipment, etc. (If you’re noting a theme here, yep, there’s lots of boys around here, LOL) You name it, we’ve bought (or sold) it.
Craigslist is a boon if you have kids because they grow so dang fast and it gets super expensive replacing their equipment every other year. Generally we’ve bought and sold small dollar items and had great experiences overall. Until this past week.
Grab your latte… here’s what happened to me just yesterday.
I mentioned here recently that we’re getting ready to remodel our kitchen. We’re not quite THERE yet, but we’re gathering the info, getting pricing, choosing colors etc. The cabinet guy who came to measure for our new cabinets said our present cabinets are in good shape and could easily bring in 2K. That was unexpected and exciting news, and it would be great to put that money toward the new ones. So we thought we’d put the old ones up on Craigslist right away. I took the pictures and posted them.
The next morning I find a text message that came in during the night from an interested buyer. It was a FL number and sounded somewhat stilted, as if the person might not speak English or maybe used Google translate. Basically, “John” says he’s good with the price of the cabinets but he won’t be able to take a look at them himself due to the nature of his job.
But he’s good with the price and hopes they’re in good condition. Asks for my full name and address so he can send a certified check, plus an extra $50 for holding them until his movers can get there to pick up.
So I tell him that works great and give him my name and address. Then he texts and says he is going to add in some extra funds to the check to pay his movers. Would I mind paying the movers when they get there. Not at all, I’m happy to help, and tell him that’s fine.
Meanwhile I get another text message from a second buyer from a Los Angeles area code offering full price and to send a certified check and movers. So I tell him I’ve already sold them but if anything falls through, I’ll be in touch ASAP.
All that day I get more inquiries from out of state numbers. Five in all. And I start thinking, man… there must be a lot of people/builders out there flipping houses and needing cabinets. And dang, why didn’t I ask more for the cabinets, because there’s obviously quite a market for used cabinets.
We did get a few local inquiries too, but I told them the cabinets were sold and I was waiting for a certified check, but I’d get back to them if anything changed.
I was talking to Jon about it last night before dinner, and how odd it was that all these out of state folks were so interested in our cabinets. And how two people had offered to send certified checks on the spot without even seeing them in person. How crazy is that?
And Jon said who knows, but maybe there’s some kind of scam going on with Craigslist. Then it occurred to me there was a common denominator with the first two buyers — they both offered certified checks sight unseen. So I google “Craig’s List Scam with Certified Checks” just for kicks, and a bunch of articles come up immediately. Check out this one, it’s almost exactly what happened to me.
If you don’t have time to check out the above article, the gist is that there’s a huge scam going on with certified checks within Craigslist. So the scammer sends you a certified check, but sends extra and asks you as a favor to make a payment to a third party. In my case, it was the movers who would supposedly be picking up the cabinets.
So you deposit the check in your account and withdraw the extra funds needed to make the payment. You pay the third party, and then a few days later the bank contacts you to let you know the certified check is phony. Bogus. False. FORGED!!! And you are out that money you paid to the third party, in my case….”the movers”. (And if you’ve sent merchandise, you’re out that merchandise too.)
“The result of these scams is that the fraudulent check will be returned unpaid. The bank will then deduct the amount of the check from your account or otherwise seek repayment from you, and you will lose either the goods that you sold, the money that you sent to the third party, or both.”
It was amazing how my scammer John followed the scenario of the scam in the article above to a ‘t’. He even asked me to consider the cabinets sold to him and take them down off Craigslist. I’m proud to say I told him I’d take the cabinets off Craigslist when I received his certified check. (Though in retrospect it wouldn’t have mattered a bit either way lol.)
Because by the time I figured it all out, my money to pay the movers (likely drafted into “John’s” bank account) would have been long gone. (As “John” relaxes in the shade of a coconut tree on a small tropical island, sipping umbrella drinks on my tab.) And these thieves are savvy in covering their tracks.
So the moral of the story is… never never NEVER agree to receive a certified check from someone on Craigslist. Because certified checks can be forged. Who knew? And only accept cash from someone local. That’s one way to protect yourself.
I’ve obviously got a strong justice gene, because I don’t want to see any of these scammers get a dime of my money or anyone else’s either. Which is why I just spent an hour of my free time on a Friday night writing this post. So you’ll know too.
So how did I deal with this situation with “John”? First, I immediately blocked his number on my phone. And hopefully that certified check is on its way to me by snail mail. And when it arrives, I’ll take it straight to my local police department and give them his phone number too. These scammer guys know how to cover their tracks though and the truth is he probably already knows I blocked his number and already ditched that number to avoid being traced.
So my cabinets are still up for sale on Craigslist and a local couple is coming to check them out tomorrow. (And yes, my husband Jon will be home.) That’s a whole different issue re:Craigslist. Always meet in a public place if possible and if you’re a woman especially, never ever have anyone come to your house when you’re home alone without another adult. It seems like common sense, but people do this all the time. And sometimes the results are disastrous.
So be safe out there in cyberland. And I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts, Craigslist experiences or tips/advice you might have re:buying and selling online.
And if you’re local and in the market for some nice oak cabinets, give me a jingle. (No certified checks s’il vous plaît. 🙂 )
And P.S. Update: 4/13. Click here to see our finished kitchen!
Marilyn Sylvester says
Jared was trying to sell something online last summer and had a similar experience. The deal seemed “too good to be true” and some internet research revealed the scam. Lesson learned without money loss fortunately.
Allie says
I’m glad he figured it out before it was too late, Marilyn. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is….
Kathy says
Thanks, Allie! I’ve been ripped off on eBay a few times (several, over the years?), but haven’t used Craigslist before. My husband does, so I’ll pass this along to him. So sorry you had to go through this, but really appreciate your sharing!! I Loved your Christmas post– Perfect Timing! 🙂 Blessed and Happy New Year!
Allie says
Thank you Kathy, so sorry to hear about your bad E-bay experiences. When we first moved here to NH in 2004, we bought a used keyboard/piano off E-bay. It smelled like cigarette smoke when we pulled it out, also there were some keys (that had not been shown in the pics) that had small cigarette burns. The stand that holds music was not included. It was frustrating and I still have that keyboard to this day – it had bad sound initially (vibration in the sound) and it was a bad purchase. I learned a lot from that as far as not buying a big ticket item (I think we paid $400) used, online. Just better to be able to see, touch, etc. because it is easy to send pics. that only tell part of the story…Since posting this I have heard quite a few more internet/fraud stories…too bad there is so much of this out there, a reflection on our society. I hope you’re doing well and your new year is off to a great start. XOXO to all, esp. Mac
Leslie Edwards says
As a realtor in Alabama my company has warned us about Craig’s list. It appears the scammer says homes listed for sale and puts them on craig’s List as homes for rent. Sellers have had people knocking on their door to look at the rental. The scam is that you as the renter need a house, you drive by, then call the Craig’s list number. The scammer gets the renter to send in a deposit to hold the property as there are multiple people looking at this great home and not many houses on the market at this rate. As a realtor there is nothing to do to stop this except beware especially on vacant properties.
Allie says
That’s a bad one Leslie. It seems that each of these deals preys on someone who is in need of something. (Desperate renter in your situation.) For me, I really want to sell my cabinets — so I’m so excited to hear from someone that’s all ready to purchase so quickly, and I may not be as vigilant as I might be otherwise. I know there’s some psychology involved here. My friend Tracy was telling me how they rented a place in Key West on Craigslist and then they showed up at the house and no one was home etc. Somehow scammers were finding out when people would be away on vacation and advertising those homes as properties to rent. You send the check and when you show up you find a locked property. A neighbor clued Tracy in and thankfully they were able to find another hotel for the night. If you want to see more how the scammers did it, check out Tracy’s comment below.
I’ve sold many things on Craigslist and those scams show up on every sale. Never trust an out-of-state buyer and never trust anyone who wants to give you extra money. So glad you caught it without losing the money alley! The cabinets are beautiful I’m sure you will sell them no problem.
Love you!
Allie says
Awesome advice Dawnkey, love you back mucho. P.S. The cabinets sold to the couple that came to look at them on Saturday. xo
Nancy says
So glad you realized before it was too late.
Allie says
Thank you Nancy, ME TOO!!! So thankful.
Carol says
First of all, I have to say that I am sooooooo happy that you did not just go ahead and do what these awful people were trying to get done. I have a hard time imagining all the scams going on nowadays and it seems like you have to be so cautious in all things that require money. We are currently selling a truck on local buy and sell system for our area. Last night I had a call-out of province, I don’t recognize area code at all, and the fellow asked a lot of questions, and he sounds like he is either from India or somewhere like that, has trouble with English.How odd, I thought. I asked him to call back at 5 when husband would be home from work, but so far no call back.Your article came just in time. I was discussing with husband about cheques- certified or not, we will not accept under any circumstance because if there ever is problem scammers usually make it impossible to trace and even if you know the people sometimes they will not honour cheques if there is a problem.
How sad it is that these people cannot figure out how to earn a living without cheating deserving people out of their hard earned money. All we can do is try our best to be vigilant and not fall into their traps and I hope they get something like that happen to them in their lives, as well.
I hope you sell your cabinets without a problem and thankyou so so much for such a helpful article. You are awesome!
Allie says
Hi Carol – such a pleasure to hear from you and I’m so sorry to hear about your experience this past week. Timing is everything, right? But even if you were the only person who read this post, it would’ve been so worth it for me to write, because I wrote it in hopes of helping someone else to not get taken. It really is maddening isn’t it. Well I hope your truck sells soon, I’m sure just the right person will come along soon. The local couple that came to see our cabinets today bought them. 🙂 Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing your story. Wishing you a wonderful, happy and healthy new year, free of SCAMMERS!!! xo
Al Quinn says
Hi Allie, my name is Al. I appreciate your posts and your intent of stopping scammers/crooks.
Unfortunately, my situation was different (story of my life) and I was scammed by a Canadian retired Major! I swallowed every word I was told and after buying his sailplane I learned that it had a collapsed undercarriage and various other problems. I know who he is and where he lives but that doesn’t make it easy to prosecute.
My point is, I am a senior and love flying. My excitement overshadowed my usual scrutiny. I assumed honesty among the Canadian military but I got a very dishonest one. You can’t even trust those who serve your country, sad to say!
I hope someone learns from my mistakes! I lost thousands but intend to fight back.
Allie says
Wow. I can’t even believe that. I am so sorry Al. It’s just an awful story. I wish you all the best as you fight back. Can’t imagine how disappointing that was to discover you would not be on your sailplane after that significant investment. Ouch. So sorry. Can’t imagine your frustration. I know what you mean when you say your excitement overshadowed your usual scrutiny. I think that happens on both ends – when buying or selling. It’s an exciting prospect on either end if you have something you no longer need or if you need something and find a great price. I looked up a bit on sailplanes because I was not sure if it was a glider or what. I sure hope you can get justice, and quickly, so you will be able to enjoy doing what you love. Incidentally, my dad is retired military in the US. And he went on to start his own yacht building business in the 60’s in RI. I did the research on sailplanes because I was curious if there was any correlation between sailplanes and sailing yachts, but doesn’t appear there is, LOL. My dad bought a used boat a few years ago, and at 79 is sailing the coast of RI whenever he can. I wish you ALL the best, and sincerely hope you can get to doing what you love too, and very soon. Thank you for dropping by.
Susie Mandel says
I was taken advantage of on eBay many years ago but that was because of my own stupidity and being a newbie to online hard-to-find bargains. It is horrendous that there are people out there who do this stuff for a living. So glad you didn’t take the next step! And thanks for taking time to tell us about it. I would have never suspected the authenticity of a certified check…yikes.
Allie says
Thanks Susie, yes, our thoughts exactly. A law abiding person assumes that a certified or cashier’s check must be authentic. Think again!!! Maddening.
Tracy says
Allie, I’m sorry you went through that but so very glad you guys figured out it was a scam. We also were scammed big time if you remember, but thankfully didn’t lose money. We rented a house in Key West for New Year’s Eve one year through CL. The process became a bit daunting before we even got there. We sent a check. Then they said that the check we sent wasn’t able to be picked up because someone was in the hospital and they were not at the address where we sent it. So they then wanted us to cancel check and give them our credit card number. Red flag!! My husband said no way we’ll meet you at the place and give you a new check there. We were on vacay in Miami and were driving to Key West the next day. When we got there a neighbor said that we have been scammed. And we were the second family that week that thought they were renting the house!! Her neighbors were away and the scammers new it!!! We were SO mad! Luckily we found a place for the night. We canceled the check immediately. Called the guy and left a nasty message and contacted the police when we got home. Could you imagine if we were planning on staying there for the whole week? We had the whole family with us. Poor family before us!! This is a great topic to discuss. Thanks for bringing it to light Allie! I’m so glad you didn’t get scammed!!
Allie says
Dear Tracy – I remember you telling me about this when it happened. You guys were SO mad. And rightly so. Can’t imagine anything more maddening than to get where you’re supposed to be staying for the night, out-of-state with all your kids, and find you’ve been scammed. Good for Dave not giving a credit card number and insisting on meeting in person with a new check. It would’ve been terrible if you were planning to stay for the whole week. So glad you were able to find a hotel at the last minute. At least they didn’t get a dime, but they sure did inconvenience you, to say the least. Thanks so much for sharing your story, it may help someone else to not get scammed! xo
Barbara Child says
Thanks for the great advice!
Allie says
Sure thing Barbara, thanks!
Susan Kline says
Good advice. Keep in mind that businesses wait until a check clears before finalizing a transaction. We need to follow their lead.
Allie says
Great point Susan, thank you!
Eva says
Chère Allie! Ton expérience est incroyable! Heureusement que tu as réagi à temps!! J’espère que finalement tu as pu récupérer ton argent. Nous aussi ont a vendu notre ancienne cuisine en ligne (en France, le site en vogue s’appelle “Bon coin”) Mais on la vendu a des locaux et il nous ont donné l’argent en liquide, effectivement il y a trop des problèmes avec les chèques! Mon marie était à la maison et la vente se bien passé. Mais tu as bien raison de prévenir le gens, il y a trop d’arnaques dans le cyber space! Take care! xoxoxo
Allie says
Chère Eva, Il est triste que nous soyons si vigilants quand nous vendons des choses, mais je suppose qu’il y a beaucoup de gens pas très gentils qui sont heureux d’en profiter là où ils le peuvent. Je suis tellement reconnaissante que mon problème ait été rattrapé à temps et que je n’ai perdu aucun argent. Bonne année mon ami, que cela vous apporte le rire et la joie avec votre famille. XOXO
Craig says
Thanks for the heads up Allie. Good news you didn’t get caught out and a shame to those who have. Hopefully the scammers get caught and spend time in jail. Although I’m in UK, Im sure there will be the same or similar scams here. The net is good but has a lot of disadvantages. Eyes peeled and ears up!!.
Allie says
Hi Craig – so nice to hear from you all the way across the pond. Unfortunately there seem to be plenty of scammers to go around, so it doesn’t really matter where we live, they’ll find us. Incidentally, my husband’s parents are from the UK. They emigrated here in ’67. We have many family members still there, aunts, uncles etc. Auntie Margaret is in Southampton and Auntie Carol is in Liverpool – lovely ladies. Wishing you a very Happy New Year in 2018 and so glad you dropped by, thank you!
Ester says
Same thing happened to me, I remodeled my kitchen and was trying to sell my appliances. Received a text just like you but new right away that something was not right. Always do cash only transaction day of pickup.
I agree lots of scammers an its unfortunate that we cant trust anyone especially those on the web.
Allie says
Sorry to hear it Ester. Glad you picked up on it right away, wish I had picked up on it a little faster. Live and learn, right? I am learning all the time. Wishing you a great, healthy 2018, free of SCAMMERS!!! xo
Adina says
Amazing how inventive they are, good that you noticed in time!
Allie says
Inventive is a kind word Adina.:) I was very thankful we figured it out before it was too late.
KATHY says
I got the same kind of requests for the items I had listed, However they never called me via phone, only through e-mail. They never wanted to see the item in person but were very interested in the items.I at first emailed them and told them to come by and look at the items , they wanted to buy the items sight unseen. I thought that was strange because I know I would like to see an item in person before I made a purchase. So I googled Craigslist scams scams and found yours. Thank you for sharing, it’s important that us honest people protect each other and blow the whistle on the scammers.
Allie says
Thanks for dropping by Kathy, and so glad you weren’t taken in either. It sure is a crazy world out there!
Jose Valenzuela says
Are the movers in on the deal ? This is happening to me as we speak and I want to have the police waiting for them when I pay the movers. What you typed was identical to what occurred to me real time tonight. Please respond
Allie says
I wish I knew whether the movers are in on the deal. It may depend on the situation. I stopped the process before we ever got to that point. I did take all my proof to the police and they said they get so much of this, they can’t even keep up with it. It’s a shame. The scammers buy multiple phones, use them for a day and throw them out so the numbers can’t be traced. Good luck busting crime Jose, but be careful! These criminals are ruthless.
puja says
Thank god Allie that you realized the fraud happening in time. We definitely need to keep our eyes open, while selling or buying things.
Allie says
Thank you Puja – I’m grateful too! xo
Liz says
Ugh, I’m so glad you caught onto this scheme before it was too late. I wish we didn’t have to worry about such things, but we do. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Catherine says
Dear Allie, what a terrible and scary experience but I am so glad you acted quickly enough before they could scam you. I’ve never used Craiglist because of all the scary and crazy stories I hear from it. I must admit, they say technology is supposed to make our lives easier, and I suppose in many cases it’s true, but it also brings on a whole new set of frustrations and inconveniences. You just never know these days who to trust. Thank you for sharing this story. My niece uses Craiglist quite often so I will be passing this on to her. xo, Catherine
Ashley Nicole says
Good heads-up Allie! Though Craigslist is one of the easiest most popular site to sell and buy items, I never dared enter that market because of some stories I heard. There are some other sites like Etsy, Ebay, Amazon and the likes where you can sell the items easily but with fees. I would just usually put-up items for sale in Facebook where my friends might be interested in getting them or in doing Yard Sale. Doesn’t cost a penny too.
Allie says
Good point Ashley! I have used the FB yard sale and gotten some great deals! Thanks for dropping by.
Shashi at SavorySpin says
Allie – I am so so glad that those certified check transactions didn’t go through! And am so glad you wrote about this! A few years ago, I had a drop in bathroom tub and wall that I was selling of Craigslist too and I got SEVERAL offers for a cashiers check, offering more than what I was asking and fees for shipping, etc – am a huge fan of the whole “if it sounds too good to be true, then it isn’t” and I was also looking for hard cash so I just blocked the texts and emails – till a local couple did show up and buy it – and even bargained it DOWN $50 – but I wasn’t complaining! Of course, I never thought to write about it – it was before I started my blog and I completely forgot… Fantastic post my friend!
Craig Shaw says
Hi Allie
Hope you and family are well. From across the pond we have rain, sleet, wind, sun and everything else you can imagine. Well as I said in my last pst, the conmen are out and about here in the UK. FYI, the latest ploy – a guy arrives at your door and advises that he is there in advance of a delivery coming your way, he tells you a parcel is going to be delivered to you later and advises that there is a delivery charge to be paid but he can’t take cash due to company rules but he can take a credit card. The person gives the credit card as they don’t want to offend the sender of the present. However, yes you’ve guessed, there is no parcel and he has the credit card details. Beware. foodie friends, this is a new ploy here in the UK. As Shakespeare said “he who steals my purse steals trash. ‘Tis something, nothing: But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him
And makes me very poor indeed” Best. Craig
Allie says
Thanks Craig – we’re doing pretty well here. Got a lot of rain this past weekend which washed away a lot of the white stuff we had. Thanks for adding this new scam going on in the UK. No doubt it will surface here, if it hasn’t already. I really appreciate your taking the time to write about it and alert others too, because there has been quite a bit of traffic to this post and it will definitely help others from getting scammed. And what will these scammers think of next? They are very busy conniving. Love your Shakespeare quote – hadn’t heard that one for a while – it’s a good one and true. Have a great week!
Kris says
Thanks for posting this! I just tried posting my first item on Craigslist and ran into this scam immediately. Became increasingly wary over my conversation with the scammer, and at one point decided to Google scams to see if I could find anything similar. Luckily, I didn’t get too far with the scammer, but finding this post was exactly what I needed to get out of it.
Appreciate the share!
Allie says
Kris – I am SO happy you did not get scammed. Good for you. This is exactly why I wrote this article, hoping to stop a few of these scams before it’s too late. Thanks so much for dropping by.
Angel says
Well this kind of scams have been going on for a loooong time and you just found out about it? Here’s what I did years ago to play with the scammers. I pretended to agree to accept their “check”. I provided a fake address and a fake name, and they mailed the check by FedEx. Days later they asked if I received the check. I said I misplaced it and ask them to FedEx it again, and again. hahaha by the time they realized I am playing with them they already paid FedEx at least 2 times. Good for FedEx I guess.
Allie says
Good for you Angel!!! That’s funny. Yeah – I guess I haven’t sold anything worth enough in the past that was worth a scammer’s time. First time for everything, sigh.
Chrystine Spencer says
I couldn’t help but comment since I almost fell for a scam! If it wasn’t for another person using the same stupid tactic our bank account would be destroyed! It was actually on Facebook yard sale. I was selling my furniture and had a”woman” send me an email saying, “I will even give you an extra $50 to remove the listing (it reminded me of your post asking to pay the movers because that’s what she asked as well. Like I said I almost fell for her sending me the check via fedex, BUT another sorry person sent me the exact same message. The check was already shipped by the time I caught on. I received an email asking if the check arrived. I replied back, “sure it has arrived, it arrived right to the police department!” Never heard back from good ol’ Catherine Oliver!! It makes me so sad that people could be so heartless.
Allie says
Hey Chrystine – good to hear from you. So glad you didn’t get scammed. I think I figured my scam out in time too, because there were so many similar out of town offers to buy our cabinets sight unseen. It was too good to be true. And some of the lines were almost identical. So glad you didn’t fall for it and hoping these Catherine Oliver creeps get caught in their schemes swindling others. It’s so maddening, and like you said, sad. Sad and heartless that human beings are so willing to steal from other human beings and seem to have no remorse.
Michelle says
Hello thank you for writing this article! It was my first time selling something on Craigslist, and I almost got scammed.. I received a cashier check from the scammer. And the amount of money that’s on the check is a lot more than the price of my item that I’m selling. I went online and Sarah of there’s anyone had this case, and J realized it is such a common method scammers use. I texted back to the scammer that I don’t feel comfortable in selling the item to him, no deal. I also told him my bank says to wait for 10 days for the check to clear. The scammer was so aggressive, and by this time I confirmed that he is totally a scammer. I just ignored his texts, and he never texted me anymore. It just happened today.
So Allie, what did you do afterwards? You ignored the scammer and nothing happened afterwards, right? I am terrified… this is my first time facing this situation…
Allie says
Oh boy. Sorry to hear that Michelle. It’s a terrifying thing. Yes – I never heard back from the scammer again. You’re right, they’re very aggressive. Once they realize they aren’t going to get your money though, they rush on to find a new victim to scam. What a shame. But this will make you laugh. My brother is trying to sell his cabinets on-line this week. He had read this article here, and so he was very wary of scammers. Here’s what he sent to the scammer that tried to scam him: “What kind of an idiot do you think I am? You better change your e-mail address fast because you have already been reported…stop scamming people…it’s the oldest trick in the book and surprising that people like you get away with it once in a while….now put some pants on, get off your mommy’s couch and get to work making a living doing something legit for once in your life.” I couldn’t believe he sent that, but it did make me laugh. Especially the pants part. Try to relax, and realize these crooks spend all day long every day sending these aggressive e-mails to people in the hopes that they’ll succeed with just a few. And sure hope you get a legit buyer for your item on Craig’s List, good luck!
AL says
These scams are truly terrible!! I recently posted two items for sale and almost immediately received scam text and emails!! UGG!! so disheartening when your just trying to move something that someone else might need/want at a reasonable price.
Oh well… Good luck to all on Craigslist and for sure be careful.
Allie says
What a pain, huh? So sorry AL. Unfortunately there are plenty of dishonorable people out there. Interesting, I was once told about a scam involving a famous golfer. He had just won a 5K grand prize check and there was a woman (at the gate as he was leaving) who told him her child was dying from cancer and she needed money for medical bills. He handed over his winnings on the spot. Later that night another golfer mentioned to him that he had seen the woman he was talking to at another big tournament, and heard that she’s a scammer, and doesn’t really have a child with cancer. And the first golfer remarked “How wonderful that there’s one less child with cancer in the world than I thought.” Which was such an amazing response, all things considered. I guess maybe we can be thankful we’re being scammed and not the scammer? Maybe. Anyway, I just sold some curtain panels and rods/finials this afternoon using a FaceBook yard sale group in my area. That’s been working pretty well for me lately FYI, seems to be less scamming. Good luck to you too and thanks for dropping by.
Bonnie says
Ditto! After a second “I’m out of town but want it” type text, I went looking to see if there was a Craigs List scam going on. That’s where I found your message and responses. I had Googled to see if a Cashiers Check could be voided somehow, but never thought about it being a fake Cashiers Check. Thanks so much for watching out for us! Much appreciated!
Allie says
Hey I’m SO GLAD you figured it out in time Bonnie. Good for you. These thieves sure are annoying and they must be succeeding sometimes, or they wouldn’t bother to keep up with it like they do. Many thanks for dropping by, glad to be of help in stopping one more scam.
Leslie says
I just got replies to two big ticket item listings asking for my full name and address and offering to send extra money (by check or money order) so that I would hold it for them. One was a coat — no one offers to buy that without trying it on! I didn’t even send my name because it raised my suspicions. Glad I found this article.
I’m just wondering if it’s safe to accept payment through Paypal or Venmo. I’d wait until it clears, of course, but is there any danger in sending one’s account name?
Kim says
Thanks for posting your story. Unfortunately, I also got the same type of buyer and once I received the cashier’s check for 7X the amount I was asking for, I googled craigslist scams and your post came up. It’s a shame because I had other buyers who were also interested and the fake buyer was the first, so I felt obligated to play things out with them first. Oh well. Lesson learned.
Allie says
Kim – so sorry to hear about this. It ends up being a big waste of time for people like us, as long as we figure out the scam before depositing that check. If not, then we’re out the cash too… and that’s even worse. I think these con people figure everyone else is as greedy as they are. That cashier’s check coming in at 7X the amount was a pretty big giveaway. Who would be that stupid to send 7X the asking price? So glad you figured it out before getting taken!
Allana says
Its so heartless that people you trust and invest a huge amount money with them expecting returns and profit always find a way of paying back evil. I met Vldimre Luka on a diamond investment forum because I really wanted to invest my retirement funds in Diamonds. Unfortunately for me, I made the worst mistake of my life. After discussing with Luka I wired the sum of $600,000 to Luka in order to purchase diamonds worth that amount. To my surprise, Luka blocked me from contacting him. Suicide was the only option I had until I was referred to a group of professional recovery experts on ( They really saved me and recovered 80% of my funds lost to Luka. I don’t know how to appreciate this group of agents than referring this professionals to victims that have suffered financial fraud . Contact for a recovery remedy.
Kevin says
THANK YOU!!!! I too almost fell for this, but it felt kinda sketchy, so I started researching Craiglist scams, found this article and it reads like a play-by-play of what is happening to me. Fortunately, no money has changed hands and I still have my item. I just really wanted to say thanks for sharing your experience!
Allie says
Thank you Kevin, I’m so glad you figured it out before any money exchanged hands. It’s such a shame how many people fall for this stuff, and I was one who almost did too. It’s even more of a shame how many criminals are lurking out there using these same methods to scam others. They must keep doing it because they’re having success. My dad used to say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. He was right. Good luck on selling your item and thanks for dropping by.
Ulrike Howlls says
It seems this is going on for years and just recently a friend of mine was scammed for $1200. Had we not spoken about it I would probably have taken the check, arranged for the movers and ended up in the whole for it all. And as I research a little, this is going on for years at least since 2009. It is just shameful to make money in this way!
Allie says
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend getting taken for $1200 Ulrike. That is a lot of money. It really is shameful. The scammers keep doing it and must be having continued success or they would change their tactics. I’m doing my little part by sharing my story here, I hope it helps someone else avoid getting scammed. Thanks so much for dropping by!
Chris says
(Posting this here because I don’t know where to post it on the web) Hey there, just texted a Craigslist seller to buy a PS4. He responded by asking me to send him a google voice code that he had sent to my phone “to make sure I’m not a robot”. This is a scam. It allows the person to send phone calls through google voice to other people using your phone number. The guy’s number that texted me was +1 (609) 474-4619
Good luck and be safe out there!
Allie says
Wow – thanks for letting us know about this Chris. I was not aware of that scam of a google voice code. Thanks for posting it here. I know others will read your comment and probably lots of scammers are doing this now to get access to your contacts. Pretty crazy. Good thing you were on your toes. Thanks for alerting the rest of us.
Dani says
Maybe I have a preverse sense of humor, but it really tickles my funny bone to see just how long I can keep one of these scammers texting me before they realize I’m not as stupid as I sound. You wouldn’t believe some of the nonsense they will tolerate in hopes that I will give them money. In any case, if they are busy texting me, they aren’t texting some poor naive widow.
Allie says
Oh Dani – we must be distant cousins. It really is very amusing, once you get going, to see the depths to which they will descend in the hopes of a few pesos. Yes, by all means, keep them BUSY!!!! Hopefully others will too. In case you didn’t see a previous comment I wrote re: my brother, I am cutting and pasting it here. Maybe it will make you smile. “My brother was trying to sell his cabinets on-line this week. He had read the article here, and so he was very wary of scammers contacting him. Here’s what he sent to the first scammer that tried to scam him: “What kind of an idiot do you think I am? You better change your e-mail address fast because you have already been reported…stop scamming people…it’s the oldest trick in the book and surprising that people like you get away with it once in a while….now put some pants on, get off your mommy’s couch and get to work making a living doing something legit for once in your life.” I couldn’t believe he sent that, but it did make me laugh. Especially the pants part. 😀 Thanks for dropping by, have a super week and keep up the good work!
Lexie says
This JUST happened to me. When “Kevin” said he was going to send an extra $50 for me to hold the couches I was selling, I was thrilled! He then said he would be including extra money for me to give to the movers coming to pick up the couches. I thought he was referring to a small sum that might cover a cash tip. I received a certified check with $1800 more than requested. I asked him to provide me with the movers’ name and number so I could confirm that the amount they quoted him. He continued to ask whether or not the check had been deposited. I made it clear that I was skeptical as to why anyone would buy used couches off of craigslist for $400 and then pay movers $1800 to get them to their final destination. Buy new couches with that money. When I confronted “Kevin” he told me he bought the couches for his girlfriend and that he was paying movers to take a truck load of things out of town. I told him I would not be depositing the check until I had the mover’s name and number. I also told him that I would not allow anyone to pick anything up until I had confirmation from the bank 2/3 weeks after a deposit that the check had cleared completely. This was all before I read this post. The wording used is STRIKINGLY similar so I am absolutely convinced that “Kevin” and “John” are one in the same.
I’ve reposted my couches and will only be taking cash from local buyers. Thank you!
Allie says
Hi Lexie – good for you for figuring it out. A lot of people don’t and that’s why these crooks continue their swindling ways. It just seemed too good to be true didn’t it? Well it was. “John”/”Kevin” has met his match in you, and hopefully you wasted a lot of his time/resources away from scamming others. I swear there are people who do this scamming stuff 24-7 as their job. Right now is prime season for thieves, so I hope everyone is being vigilant. In just the last two weeks, my Amazon account was hacked into and my husband’s Discover account was hacked into (and three new cards requested). We had to reset passwords etc., get new account numbers etc. It’s been a real pain and hope this is the end of it! Good luck out there and I hope your couches sell locally soon!
Nathalie says
Bonjour ALLIE (I’m a french women)
I’m not sure but I think it almost happen to me on Craiglist this week. A pretend Keith wanted to buy my daughter’s crib. She send me a text saying that her mom was interested and gave me her parents’ email. My mistake was to email her “parents” with my own personal email address. The pretend father “Nicholas Huff” answered to me that it was a “US Marine” so it could not pickup the crib but he will send me a Certified check and he will send someone to pick up the crib when I will receive the payment overnight.
So I gave him my name, phone number and address. Then I wait but nothing came. I tried to contact him again few days after but his email did not exist anymore. Now I ‘m scare that they could falsify my name with false documents or come to my house to rob me. Fortunately I still have the crib that is still for sale.
Allie says
Bonjour Nathalie – I took French in high school and college….and I can still spell bonjour.(!) Those French classes were a long time ago. Your experience is scary. I’m so sorry to hear about this, but so glad you didn’t receive or cash a certified check through Craigslist. Nicholas Huff definitely sounds like a scammer. Once you cash a forged certified check, the bank will come after YOU for the money if it bounces. I wonder if he got caught by someone else in a scamming deal and that’s why he deleted his e-mail address and never sent you the certified check? I sincerely hope that is what happened. I’m not sure what he could do with your personal information, but definitely pay close attention to make sure no one has opened a credit account…. (A few years ago someone opened a credit account with a women’s clothing company under my name. I only found out because I received a $900 plus bill in the mail. I was able to dispute it and was ultimately not responsible for the bill.) Hopefully your scammer was caught and maybe is even behind bars. Wouldn’t that be great! Merci beaucoup for your note and I wish you all the best selling the crib.
Tom Vida says
I just had almost the same exact situation with Craigslist regarding the sale of a zero turn lawn mower. Placed the add on Craigslist for $975. With in a few hours I received a text from a Mr Tonu Frany. He said he wanted to buy my mower and needed my address so that he could send me a certified cashier’s check to pay for the mower via USPS 2nd day air. On Wednesday afternoon the envelope arrived. All that was in it was the cashier’s check drawn on my local SunTrust Bank. I thought it odd that there was no note just the check. What really caught my eye was that the check was made out for $2,100.30. Within about 10 minutes of receipt of the check, the buyer, Mr Tonu Frany, starts sending me two or three texts, telling me he got alerted that the envelope arrived at my home. He then explains in his text that the reason why the check was $1,125 over my selling price was to cover shipping charges and he would like me to cash the check and use the additional $1,125 to pay his shipper.As of now it did seem reasonable except, in the past, I have never had dealings with a shipping company, so therefore, this was new to me. As I was driving to the bank he texted me several more times asking why I had not already cashed the “Certified Check”. He claimed he needed to know as soon as the check was cashed so that he could alert SunTrust Bank, to release the funds. This text concerned me because if the check was certified, why did he need to notify SunTrust Bank to release the funds. By now I started to get a little concerned. Oh, by the way, the envelope that had the check had a different person’s name and was shipped out of Texas.When I arrived at the bank I decided to see one of their reps to get their opinion about the check. She looked something on he PC and then told me, under any circumstances, do not cash this check. She also told me, if I had not stopped to see her, one of the tellers would have cashed the check. She also told me it was not a certified check as I have been told by Mr Tonu Frany. While talking to her he again texted me several more times asking why it is taking so long to get his check cashed. When I got back into my car I texted him back and told him my bank would not allow his check to be cashed or even deposited. Also, the check had a company located in Clearwater, as the issuer. He now wanted to know why the check was not accepted. I told him my Bank Manager advised me not to cash or deposit this check. He now became very angry and told me my Bank Manager was a drunk and did not know how to run a business. I did not reply but a few minutes later he texts me telling me, “do what I tell you and go directly to Walmart and they will gladly give me the funds once I cash it. I told him no and I had no intention to go to Walmart. He now calls me a fool and there is nothing wrong with the check. When I got home I decided to call the issuing company in Clearwater, Florida, and ask them if they issued this check on behalf of Mr Tonu Frany, along with giving them the check number. After being sent from one department to another I finally got through to an individual that did not seem too concerned about what has just happened. He did not even want Mr Tonu Frany’s name or cell phone texts. He then thanked me and hung up. In the meantime, Mr Tonu Frany, texted me 4 or 5 more times asking me why I have not gone to Walmart to cash his check. I texted him back and told him, that the sale was terminated. He now got very aggressive in his next few texts and told be there was nothing wrong with his check. I then confronted him and told him that I called the issuing company of the check and they had no record of it and, if he wants his check back, he is to supply me with his real name and address. So far all he has done is tell me to shred his check and send me a picture of his shredded check. I told him no. So now I am about to block his number. I did speak with our local Law Enforcement and they also about this scam but have been unsuccessful in tracking down these cowards who sit behind a PC and go after unsuspecting individuals. Very sad indeed. What I should have done is to have gone onto Craigslist website, and read about all of the scams causing red flags to go up, before posting my add. So seller beware, there are many many criminals out there doing their best to get your hard earned money with little or no change of them ever getting caught.
Allie says
Wow – so sorry to hear your story Tom. SO THANKFUL you were on your toes and didn’t get scammed. You were so wise. And you have to be. These are really ruthless criminals and you find out how ruthless and aggressive as the story unfolds if they don’t get your money. Name calling, control, etc. Good for you. Thank you for sharing your story here, I know it will help others. And good luck finding a legitimate buyer for your lawn mower!
Tom says
Just an update since my last e-mail dated February 15th. My Mr Tonu Frany texted me several more times asking me to shred his “certified check” while taking a video and then texting him the video. I texted him back and told him I will not be doing what he is demanding of me. This really must have gotten to him because he then texted me ranting and cursing on how he is now going to the FBI to report me for taking his money and not shipping out my mower to him. I answered him back as on what facts is he basing his accusations toward me when I never deposited or cashed his fake certified check. This got more ugly as the days passed with more intimidating and demanding texts. I texted him back and told him I welcome hearing from the FBI, especially if I have to give the original check to them. I also checked with the Postal Service. His over night envelope containing the fake inflated check had shown a return address from Lewisville, Texas but the check was mailed out from Hampton, Virginia. I texted this info to him which really infuriated him that I am getting into his business.
Allie says
I’m so glad you’ve been keeping him so busy Tom. Less time left for him to scam others. I love that he is trying to intimidate you with the FBI. What a bully. I would say to Mr. Tonu Frany (obviously an alias) is: BRING. IT. ON. Because I would love to talk to the FBI about you and SHUT YOU DOWN for good. Keep up the good work Tom. And all you were trying to do was sell your lawnmower! Many thanks for the update!
Rono says
I can not believe anyone would fall for this . this scam has been tried on me hundreds of time and I caught it the first time. In my ads I always state local buyers only. No third party pick up( cash only).
Jonathan Doyle says
Can you take a look at this? We offer the ability to search for remote jobs and resumes via craigslist If you are interested, feel free to share with your readers
Rono says
Many time you may be told they are searching for a friend or relative and ask to reply to relative or friend at such and such e-mail NEVER do that, they are seeing if you can be manipulated. Simply say no.
Ian says
I’ve encountered the same deal, but put a little more time into it. I had the person send me the check. The envelope was from FL, buyer said he was from IN, and the address on the check was from CA. I let buyer know I received check. It was for $300 over asking. I emailed and thanked for the extra cash, and that I would use that to buy better skis than I planned on (by selling the wheels and tires I had on Craigslist). Then the emails and texts cane fast and furious. Accusing me of stealing and he’d call the FBI. Said I was just kidding…said I sent a check for the difference certified mail to the return address o had on the envelope. Said post office was right next bank. Quick and easy. Then all caps responses came in wanting my phone number…as I kept everything to email. I should have. But then I have him a little bit of an offensive goodbye and that was that. As I saw it…scammed paid to have a fake check send FedEx to me and was out the cost of next day. I was out a bit if my time. Hoping to collect lots of checks like that, and leave laying around my office like Chevy Chase in Caddyshack. ….” Oh that check. Yeah. I don’t really need the money”
Allie says
Ian, you’re a funny guy, I like you. You and Chevy Chase!!! 😂😂😂
Emma says
Thank you! The EXACT thing is unfolding today for me. I am so glad I checked the internet for scams!!!!
Jenny says
I am so very thankful for this article. I had a similar situation tonight. “I’m out of town but will be sending someone to pick it up” no mention of paying the movers but he did offer $100 over the asking price in the form of a check. We had told him the check had to clear first. Figuring we’d be good when it did. But I still felt a niggling doubt so I went and searched Google for scams involving Craigs List. Had no clue it took up to thirty days for a check to actually go through the process and really clear!! Responded back to the man that we could NOT take a check as we had thought but instead cash only or PayPal. He stopped responding so I am assuming we are in the clear. This article saved me from a serious blunder that would have ruined me financially. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Truly! 💖
Melissa says
Did the snail mail check ever come? I almost fell for this just today. I started asking questions about the moving company and the specific amount towards the end so hopefully they don’t send me any. Take it to the police if they do?
Allie says
Hi Melissa – so glad you didn’t fall for it. The check did actually come, we just shredded it, as the police around here were not interested in getting involved in gathering evidence, as it apparently happens so much….
Varun Sharma says
Great post!!! It is very useful.
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